12.4. – 21.5.18

A Fleshly School of Poetry


Foto: Paula Gehrmann

Emotional States

Eröffnung  12. Apr 2018, 19 Uhr

Ausstellungsdauer  12.4. – 21.5.18

Künstler:innen  Mercedes Azpilicueta, Pauline Curnier Jardin, Valentin Just, Anna KE & Florian Meisenberg, Jill Mulleady, Nazim Ünal Yilmaz

Kuratiert durch  Daniela Brunand, Christian Falsnaes

Die Ausstellung A Fleshly School of Poetry ver­eint Arbeiten einer Gruppe von Künstler_innen, die sich mit dem Körper nicht nur als ein Objekt der Begierde aus­ein­an­der­set­zen. Als Alternative zur tra­di­tio­nel­len Darstellung des Körpers wird der Begriff des Fleisches vor­ge­stellt. Mittels Performance, Malerei, Zeichnung, Video und Ton nähern sich die Künstler_innen dem Körper als kom­ple­xes Gebilde an, das spürt und gespürt wird, sieht und gese­hen wird. Er berührt und wird berührt, hört und wird gehört. Zudem ist er etwas, das denkt und über das nach­ge­dacht wird.

In the works by Azpilicueta, Just, Ünal Yilmaz, Mulleady, Curnier Jardin and Anna KE & Florian Meisenberg the body is brought into ques­ti­on in its fle­sh­ly mode. This state­ment might sound red­un­dant sin­ce the fle­sh is alre­a­dy often auto­ma­ti­cal­ly rela­ted to the body. But we should point out that this body lies on the oppo­si­te shore of the body tra­di­tio­nal­ly depic­ted throug­hout the histo­ry of art.

AFSOP brings tog­e­ther dif­fe­rent approa­ches to the non-objec­ti­ve phe­no­me­na of the body, which is not con­cei­ved just as an object of desi­re neither is mean to be per­cei­ved as such. On the con­tra­ry, AFSOP focu­ses on the body as a com­plex rever­si­ble being that is able to sen­se and to be sen­sed, to see and to be seen, to touch and to be touch­ed, to hear and to be lis­ten­ed to, to think and to be thought. (Merleau Ponty, 1964) This means a body with affects that expres­si­ve­ly rejects any/all/every divi­si­on bet­ween fle­sh and soul, body and spi­rit. Hence AFSOF stands against the con­cep­ti­on of the body as a repre­sen­ta­ti­on of cano­ni­cal pro­por­ti­ons, as just an image –a type of object– sin­ce it over­sim­pli­fies our richest mode of exis­tence and it leads to obses­si­ons such as the com­pul­si­ve depic­tion of naked women, which has tur­ned into a gen­re its­elf: fema­le nude.

The title refers to a cri­tique that was published by Robert Buchanan against a group of artists that were part of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The attack addres­sed the fle­sh­li­ne­ss, the exces­si­ve sen­sua­li­ty, cor­rupt mora­li­ty and the dir­ty, mor­bid natu­re of their works as the can­cer of all socie­ty that would shoot its ulce­rous roots deeper and deeper. (Buchanan 1872)

The pro­po­sal for the exhi­bi­ti­on, far from pre­ten­ding a direct con­nec­tion with the Pre-Raphaelites, seeks to shake and refresh the dis­pu­te con­tai­ned in that cri­tique and update it to a pre­sent in which the post-modern vin­di­ca­ti­on of the body has tur­ned it into a fetish depri­ved of affects. We take this old dis­pa­ra­ging title as initi­al frame for a reflec­tion about the con­cept of Flesh, as well as to give his­to­ri­cal per­spec­ti­ve to a topic that has been inten­se­ly dis­cus­sed sin­ce the modern era.

Azpilicueta, Just, Ünal Yilmaz, Mulleady, Curnier Jardin and Anna KE & Florian Meisenberg for­mu­la­te pro­po­sals for a non-fetis­hi­stic approach to the body and a non-idea­li­stic con­cep­ti­on of thin­king, aiming for a Spinozian noti­on of both as part of a unity. AFSOP pro­po­ses the spec­ta­tors the exer­cise of approa­ching the exhi­bi­ti­on as sen­si­ble sen­ti­ent bodies, as rever­si­ble beings awa­re of the fact that every visi­on takes place some­whe­re in the tac­ti­le space and that every move­ment of our eyes has its place in the same visi­ble uni­ver­se that we explo­re with them.

Emotional States

Gefördert durch

Logo Stadt Leipzig Kulturamt Logo Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen

Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig, Villa Vassilieff / Pernod Ricard Fellowship, Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Sachsen


Paul Gehrmann, Dora Sučić

Vielen Dank an:

Dora Sučić