Sa, 30.11.24

Curator‘s Tour “Teleconnections”


Artists  Tekla Aslanishvili, Tega Brain & Sam Lavigne, Simone Fehlinger, Mia Heidler, Sonja Hornung & Daniele Tognozzi, João Enxuto & Erica Love, Sybille Neumeyer, Oliver Ressler, Stefania Smolkina, open-weather / Soph Dyer & Sasha Engelmann

Time  17:00 – 18:00

Curated by  Sybille Neumeyer

What are the ent­an­gle­ments bet­ween cli­ma­tes, media and poli­tics? What are the agen­ci­es of images and ima­gi­na­ries? How are artists respon­ding to the cli­ma­te crisis?

The cura­tor of the exhi­bi­ti­on invi­tes you on a tour of the exhi­bi­ti­on ‘Teleconnections’ and pro­vi­des in-depth insights into the indi­vi­du­al works, the con­cep­tu­al inter­wea­ving of the­se and the resul­ting aes­the­tic and con­tent-rela­ted dis­cour­ses. In English and/or German – depen­ding on the visi­tors’ lan­guage skills.