20.11. – 22.11.20

Emancipatory Approaches to Radio


Time  15 – 20

All pro­grams will be broad­cast on Corax (RC, 95,9), UKW 87,5 (cove­ring the vici­ni­ty of D21 Artspace) and/or Radio Blau (RB, 99,2), and here:

Schedule (12 November—22 Dezember) available here for down­load.

Archive available here.

On workers’ radi­os, pira­tes, and free radio broad­cas­ters (yes, of cour­se, Brecht and Benjamin play a part, too).

Friday, 20 November 2020
15:00—17:00 Radio Program (RC)
The histo­ry of eman­ci­pa­to­ry radio.

17:00—19:00 Radio Program (RC)
Ich möch­te ein­mal am Sender ste­hen (I’d like to be the one at the trans­mit­ter, just one)
by and with Gerd Roscher
Film sounds & talk with Gerd Roscher, direc­tor of the docu­men­ta­ry Ich möch­te ein­mal am Sender ste­hen (I’d like to be the one at the trans­mit­ter, just one) about the workers’ radio move­ment of the 1920s.

18:00—19:00 Film Screening
Ich möch­te ein­mal am Sender ste­hen (I’d like to be the one at the trans­mit­ter, just one) (1981)
by Gerd Roscher → at D21 Artspace

18:00—19:00 Radio Program (RB)
Auch Schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time

Saturday, 21 November 2020
15:00—17:00 Lecture Performance (RB)
Schwierigkeiten mit der Standortbestimmung (Difficult Position Fixing)
by Anna Bromley
It’s fri­day, seven o’clock in the evening. A stu­dent is loo­king for the fre­quen­cy of the non-appro­ved Radio Fledermaus which can be recei­ved only 15 minu­tes per day—“but how exci­ting tho­se minu­tes are! An enti­re­ly dif­fe­rent radio…”
A per­for­mance about the cri­mi­na­liza­ti­on and per­se­cu­ti­on of the free radio Fledermaus.

16:00—17:00 Lecture Performance
Äthertäter im Realsozialismus (Perpetrators On Air in Real Socialism)
by Alex Körner
Pirate sta­ti­ons in the GDR?—“Next, a hit by the Beatles. It is (…) ‘Misery.’” Four teen­agers play the music that is not being play­ed on Rundfunk der DDR (GDR Broadcasting). They run the pira­te sta­ti­on Sender Freies Paunsdorf (SFP) which will remain unde­tec­ted for years…

17:00—19:99 Panel Discussion (RB)
Emancipatory Radio
with Anna Bromley, Alex Körner, Johannes Willms, and others
A dis­cus­sion about calls on radio as a chan­nel for agit­prop, as a par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry and empowe­ring medi­um and as a socie­tal mass medium.

19:00—20:00 Radio Program (RB)
Auch Schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time
Extracts from the histo­ry of eman­ci­pa­to­ry radios.

Sunday, 22 November 2020
15:00—16:00 Radio Program (RB)
Eine klei­ne Prise Funkgeschichte (A Dash of Radio History)
with Rainer Suckow (Königswusterhausen e. V.)
The direc­tor of the radio asso­cia­ti­on in Königswusterhausen talks about how a radio ope­ra­tes and about audi­ble mor­se code, and tells anec­do­tes from 100 years of radio history.

16:00—19:00 Radio Program (RB)
Emanzipatorische Radiogeschichten (Emancipatory Radio Stories)
with HGB Leipzig stu­dents Jan-Luca Ott, Theresa Münnich, Paul Kother, and others
Actors of the inde­pen­dent radio art fes­ti­val Common Waves in Tbilisi and Vinod Pavarella (UNESCO-chair Community-Radio in Hyderabad-India).

19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Auch Schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time