Sa, 16.11.24

”political drifts“ – Salon for Aesthetic Experiments


Artists  Tekla Aslanishvili, João Enxuto, Erica Love

Time  16:00 – 18:00

Curated by  Sybille Neumeyer

• with Tekla Aslanishvili, João Enxuto, Erica Love,
mode­ra­ted by Sybille Neumeyer

What are the flows of mate­ri­al and social infra­struc­tures, poli­ti­cal and phy­si­cal bor­ders and prac­ti­ces of sta­te­craft? What are the eco­no­mic curr­ents bet­ween art insti­tu­ti­ons and ener­gy companies? 

In this con­ver­sa­ti­on artists and film­ma­kers Erica Love, João Enxuto and Tekla Aslanishvili will address the poten­ti­al of artis­tic media film and ani­ma­ti­on to cap­tu­re the com­plex, spa­ti­al­ly and tem­po­ral­ly dis­tri­bu­ted pro­ces­ses invol­ved in making lar­ge-sca­le infra­struc­tures into a cohe­si­ve cine­ma­tic time­line. Beyond the poli­ti­cal, finan­cial, legal frame­works the aut­hors will dis­cuss the his­to­ri­cal role of cul­tu­re in crea­ting an ‘enchan­ting aura’ around the ter­ri­to­ries and tech­no­lo­gies of extra­c­tion, tran­sit, and ener­gy, which fos­ters coll­ec­ti­ve invest­ment in uncer­tain futures (see Harvey & Knox, 2012¹). Finally, the dis­cus­sion will del­ve into how the­se mate­ri­al struc­tures func­tion as orga­niza­tio­nal tools bey­ond their inten­ded pur­po­ses, sha­ping the pro­duc­tion of know­ledge, sta­te bor­ders, and sta­te­craft practices.

Tekla Aslanishvili is an artist and film­ma­ker based bet­ween Berlin and Tbilisi. Her prac­ti­ce exami­nes mul­tis­ca­lar socio-eco­no­mic and eco­lo­gi­cal trans­for­ma­ti­ons through the lens of lar­ge infra­struc­tu­re pro­jects. She holds a Master of Arts in Experimental Film and New Media from the Berlin University of the Arts. Tekla was a 2019 Digital Earth Fellow, a nomi­nee for the Ars-Viva Art Prize 2021, and the reci­pi­ent of the 2020 Han Nefkens Foundation – Fundació Antoni Tàpies Video Art Production Award. She is curr­ent­ly a fel­low at the Graduate School of the Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences (BAS) at UdK-Berlin.

João Enxuto and Erica Love are artists who col­la­bo­ra­te on pro­jects about the dyna­mics of crea­ti­ve labor and value. Together they were fel­lows at the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program and were award­ed the New York Foundation for the Arts Artist Fellowship (2023 & 2017), and the Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant. They have exhi­bi­ted work at the Whitney Museum of Art, New Museum, Walker Art Center, Centre Pompidou, Edith-Russ-Haus, among other venues. Enxuto and Love’s wri­ting has been published by Verso Books, MIT Press, Sternberg Press, Mousse, and else­whe­re. They are curr­ent­ly on the Board of Advisors of Weird Economies and fel­lows at Berlin University of the Arts (UdK).


event in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Graduate School, UdK Berlin

1 Harvey, P., & Knox, H. (2012). The Enchantments of Infrastructure. Mobilities, 7(4), 521–536.]