Do, 16.1.25

Radioshow with Radio Cashmere


Artists  Tekla Aslanishvili, Tega Brain & Sam Lavigne, Simone Fehlinger, Mia Heidler, Sonja Hornung & Daniele Tognozzi, João Enxuto & Erica Love, Sybille Neumeyer, Oliver Ressler, Stefania Smolkina, open-weather / Soph Dyer & Sasha Engelmann

Time  18:00 – 19:30

Curated by  Sybille Neumeyer

Tune in, we are live! The radio ses­si­on hos­ted by Cashmere Radio and Nathan Gray fea­tures con­tri­bu­ti­ons by artists of the exhi­bi­ti­on, a con­ver­sa­ti­on with artist, post-disci­pli­na­ry rese­ar­cher and cura­tor Sybille Neumeyer, and songs from the cli­ma­te crisis.

Cashmere Radio is a not-for-pro­fit com­mu­ni­ty expe­ri­men­tal radio sta­ti­on based in Wedding, Berlin. The ambi­ti­on of the sta­ti­on is to pre­ser­ve and fur­ther radio and broad­cas­ting prac­ti­ces by play­ing with the pla­s­ti­ci­ty and mal­lea­bi­li­ty of the medium.

(event sup­port­ed by UdK Graduate School)



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