Do, 30.1.20

Voice and Space


Photo:Alexander Baan

Artists  Janneke van der Putten

Time  13.45 – 18

In this work­shop we will explo­re the voice in rela­ti­on to spa­ti­al expe­ri­ence. Through a Deep Listening ses­si­on and a blind-fold­ed sound walk we will explo­re our sen­ses and beco­me more awa­re of our own body move­ments and sounds. We will begin with a simp­le body warm-up fol­lo­wed by basic vocal exer­ci­s­es. The work­shop will con­sist of group inter­ven­ti­ons and per­for­man­ces in which we will explo­re the acou­stics and cha­rac­te­ristics of the space, using our own voices in new and chal­len­ging ways and reflec­ting our expe­ri­en­ces in dra­wings and dis­cus­sions. No sin­ging skills requi­red. Please bring com­for­ta­ble and water­pro­of clot­hing and a yoga mat or blanket.

Admission to this work­shop is limi­t­ed. Please sign up here:, enclo­sing one or two sen­ten­ces about your back­ground and/or why you are inte­res­ted in taking part in the work­shop; this will help with the preparation.

Further infor­ma­ti­on:

Voice and Space

Slide your fin­gers to begin to draw