25.5. – 2.10.22

Where is my karaoke? Still, we sing | ສຽງນິທານຂອງພວກເຮົາ | សូរសៀងនិទាននៃពួកយើង។ | Nhưng chúng tôi vẫn hát


Exceptional States

Opening  25. Mai, 16 Uhr

Exhibition period  25.5. – 2.10.22

Artists  Ho Rui An, Songhak Ky, Nguyễn Xuân Huy, Phung-Tien Phan, Trần Minh Đức und Postmigrantisches Radio 

Curated by  Phuong Phan, Sarnt Utamachote

WHERE IS MY KARAOKE? STILL, WE SING focu­ses on social rea­li­ties, life tra­jec­to­ries and prac­ti­ces of the con­tract workers and exch­an­ge ­stu­dents from Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam in the for­mer GDR. It reflects on the after­li­ves of the poli­ti­cal rela­ti­onship bet­ween the­se count­ries, as it unco­vers the socia­list con­cepts of »moder­ni­ty«, »brot­her­hood«, »soli­da­ri­ty« and »fri­end­ship« that endu­res bey­ond the fall of the ­Berlin Wall.

Inspired by the con­cept of Karaoke in which most­ly sin­gers re-nar­ra­te the pre-given musi­cal pat­tern of a cer­tain song, we rai­se ques­ti­ons of how migrants can be crea­tors or media­tors of moder­ni­ty? How did/do (post)migrants make their homes for them­sel­ves and trans­fer this know­ledge across generations?

The exhi­bi­ti­on fea­tures a 5‑month group exhi­bi­ti­on with artists Ho Rui An, Nguyễn Xuân Huy, Phung-Tien Phan, Songhak Ky, Trần Minh Đức and the BIPOC coll­ec­ti­ve Postmigrant Radio, as well as an audio­vi­su­al archi­ve coll­ec­tion, a public pro­gram­me with film scree­nings, panel dis­cus­sions, public inter­ven­ti­ons and gatherings.

Exceptional States


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Unser beson­de­rer Dank an / Special thanks to: Cô Nhung Đỗ, Soulath Schmidt, Cô Thắm, Sonny Thet. Prof. Dr. Claus Altmayer | Universität Leipzig, Prof. Dr. Doreen Mende | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Doreen Frauendorf | Sammlung Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, Silvia Gaetti | Grassi Museum, Oliver Grimm | Hochschule für Musik und Theater – HMT Leipzig, Dietmar Grundmann | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, chị Lương Minh Ngọc | Universität Bielefeld , Oliver Raendchen, Nicole Reichert, Dr. Jörk Rothamel | Galerie Rothamel, Matthias Rietschel, Annegret Schüle, Tim Storch | Bundesarchiv Lichterfelde Berlin,  Jochen  Voit | Stiftung Ettersberg und Projekt “Gewalt und Freundschaft: Kambodscha und die DDR im Zeitalter der Ideologien“, Silke Wagler | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Mirko Wiermann | DEFA Filmarchiv