

With texts by  Constanze Müller, Anastasia Svirski, Franziska Goralski & Ariane Graf, Phuong Phan & Sarnt Utamachote, Elisabeth Pichler, Anike Joyce Sadiq & Laurie Young

Published by  D21 Kunstraum Leipzig

The catalogue can be ordered on a donation basis via mail to (Recommendation: 8€)

Design  Lydia Sachse

The maga­zi­ne Ausnahme_Zustände reflects, docu­ments and gathers all events of our annu­al pro­gram 2022.

After two years of pan­de­mic as well as in the face of num­e­rous poli­ti­cal, glo­bal con­flicts and the ongo­ing cli­ma­te cri­sis, space should be given to the dis­so­nan­ces of our time. Based on the view that cri­ses can be over­co­me pri­ma­ri­ly through mutu­al exch­an­ge, the focus shar­pe­ned on pro­jects cen­te­red on under­stan­ding, par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and mediation.

The exhi­bi­ti­ons were sup­ple­men­ted by an exten­si­ve accom­pany­ing pro­gram of scree­nings, lec­tures, dis­cus­sions and work­shops. Questions con­cer­ning new ways of acting, social coexis­tence, migra­ti­on and immi­gra­ti­on as well as coll­ec­ti­ve moments of exhaus­ti­on were discussed.

The publi­ca­ti­on includes con­tri­bu­ti­ons by the pro­ject par­ti­ci­pan­ts from D21/Solo “And my mother says to me, enjoy your life” with works by Franziska Goralksi (Constanze Müller, Anastasia Svirski, Franziska Goralski & Ariane Graf), “Where is my karao­ke? Still, we sing | ສຽງນິທານຂອງພວກເຮົາ | សូរសៀងនិទាននៃពួកយើ” (Phuong Phan & Sarnt Utamachote) and “Pose Fatigue” (Elisabeth Pichler, Anike Joyce Sadiq, Laurie Young). For the first time, the­re is also an artis­tic posi­ti­on on the annu­al the­me. Therefore Artist Fabian Reimann crea­ted a pic­tu­re essay.

With Magazine No. 3 we would like to retro­s­pec­tively re-con­tex­tua­li­ze the rea­li­zed pro­jects, dis­cour­ses and theo­re­ti­cal reflec­tions that emer­ged within the year’s the­me Ausnahme_Zustände and com­ple­ment them with fur­ther artis­tic positions.