2020 Making Contact

Contact is deri­ved from Latin “con­tin­ge­re” which means “to touch” and “to encoun­ter.” Making cont­act, the­r­e­fo­re, is to seek a con­nec­tion, to estab­lish rela­ti­ons, to enter in exch­an­ge. Making cont­act is a neces­si­ty of human life, the abili­ty to com­mu­ni­ca­te is the most important human skill.

The 2020 exhi­bi­ti­on pro­gram at D21 Artspace will address dif­fe­rent ways of making cont­act. These will be inter­pre­ted as moments of social exch­an­ge. We will ask ques­ti­ons of how we get in touch and what are the neces­sa­ry pre­re­qui­si­tes for it. Seeking cont­act and approa­ching others or even going public means brea­king your iso­la­ti­on, under­stan­ding yours­elf as an actor in socie­tal con­texts and struc­tures, and, abo­ve all, rela­ting to others. These aspects will be dis­cus­sed in inter­na­tio­nal con­tem­po­ra­ry con­tri­bu­ti­ons; a pro­gram of work­shops and gui­ded tours will com­ple­ment the exhibitions.

28 May to 5 July 2020
Corpo_reality. cor|po|real {adj} [kɔːɹˈpɔːɹiəl] lat. cor­por­e­um. bodi­ly, fle­sh­ly, mor­tal, material
Group Exhibition

23 July to 30 August 2020
Watzizizezisch. Rebisch, zwog – on Languages and Voices
Group Exhibition

10 September to 18 October 2020
D21/Solo Irène Mélix
Solo Exhibition

Factories of Imagination (Film)

12 November to 20 December 2020
Anybody out there?!
100 Years of Radio in Germany
Group Exhibition