1.11. – 5.1.19

Artist-in-Residency Program Leipzig-Havana

The D21 Kunstraum Leipzig e.V. and the Ludwig Foundation of Cuba are announ­cing a two-month resi­den­cy in Havana open to two German artists with a pre­fe­rence for Leipzig-based artists.

The resi­den­cy will give the cho­sen artists the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know the art and cul­tu­re sce­ne of Havana and to exch­an­ge ide­as and impul­ses with local artists and resi­dents. The pro­gram will coin­ci­de with the Havana Biennial.

The cho­sen artists will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to crea­te art works during their resi­den­cy in the neigh­bour­hood of Regla, a small, indus­tri­al muni­ci­pa­li­ty situa­ted in the cen­ter of Havana Bay with a strong Afro-Cuban cul­tu­re and distinc­ti­ve traditions.

PDF of the CALL

The cho­sen artists will be hos­ted in Havana by the Ludwig Foundation of Cuba, an orga­niza­ti­on estab­lished by the Cuban Government and Peter and Irene Ludwig in the 1990s, and artist Felipe Dulzaides, who has deve­lo­ped a pro­ject space in Regla.

The cho­sen artists will tra­vel to Havana in ear­ly March and stay until May 2019. Applicants must have com­ple­ted their artis­tic stu­dies to app­ly. The cen­ter of life and work of appli­cants must be in Germany. Applicants of a varie­ty of artis­tic media may app­ly with a pro­po­sal rele­vant to the place of the resi­den­cy, and taking into account Cuba’s spe­cial situa­ti­on. Artists must have a decent level of English and ide­al­ly Spanish and must be rea­dy to live and work in the uni­que con­di­ti­ons of Havana.

The sel­ec­tion will be based on the qua­li­ty of the pro­po­sal sub­mit­ted accor­ding to the idea of the pro­gram. The artists will be cho­sen by a jury com­po­sed of repre­sen­ta­ti­ves appoin­ted by D21 Kunstraum Leipzig and the Ludwig Foundation.
Application requirements

Applicants are requi­red to sub­mit the fol­lo­wing appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments in English:

Cover let­ter with full cont­act information;
Text describ­ing initi­al ide­as of inten­ti­on to work on (1 page max.);
Documentation mate­ri­al on pre­vious acti­vi­ty (port­fo­lio) in PDF for­mat with meaningful texts and images on pre­vious­ly rea­li­zed artis­tic works and exhi­bi­ti­ons (10 pages max.; plea­se send all requi­red docu­ments in ONE link to download.);

The appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments must be sub­mit­ted digi­tal­ly via down­load-link by January 5th, 2019 to D21 Kunstraum Leipzig: office@d21-leipzig.de
Photos: Juliane Richter

This scho­lar­ship covers tra­vel cos­ts Germany-Havana, accom­mo­da­ti­on, a work space and a scho­lar­ship for living cos­ts for a month­ly amount of 500€. A fur­ther bud­get for pro­duc­tion cos­ts in Havana will also be made available rela­ted to artist’s needs.

In Kooperation mit:

Fondación Ludwig de Cuba