Taking Site


Mit Texten von  Nancy Atakan, Chloë Bass, Lena Brüggemann, Hannah Sieben, Şefik Özcan, Burcu Vjunk, Mi You

Herausgegeben durch  Lena Brüggemann, Hannah Sieben

59,4 × 84 cm, gefaltet 21 × 14,8 cm


2013/14, D21 Kunstraum


Gestaltung  Jan Blessing und Constanze Hein

Welche Rolle spielt der Ort im Zeitalter des Internets und zuneh­men­der Mobilität? Das Projekt Taking Site! unter­such­te dies im Frühling 2013 kurz vor dem Beginn der Gezi-Proteste in einem Workshops im Istanbuler Kunstraum 5533. Für Besucher:innen des D21 Kunstraums in Leipzig war der Workshop mit­tels Livestream und Chat zugäng­lich. Als Expert:innen für noma­di­sche Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen teil­ten Künstler:innen und Kurator:innen aus Türkei, Deutschland, China, USA und Russland ihre Erfahrungen mit Migration, Tourismus und (poli­ti­scher) Partizpation vor Ort.

Die Publikation bringt die inten­si­ven Diskussionen um die künst­le­ri­schen, phi­lo­so­phi­schen, per­for­ma­ti­ven, sozia­len und poli­ti­schen Aspekte des Ortes zusam­men. Im Format einer asso­zia­ti­ven Landkarte ergibt sich ein Überblick über die ver­knüpf­ten Orte und die Vielzahl der Diskussionsstränge. Ergänzt wird sie durch eigen­stän­di­ge, lose Seiten, die von den Teilnehmer:innen für die Publikation ange­fer­tigt wurden.

How to start? We deci­ded to start having a tea. At the first get-tog­e­ther of all par­ti­ci­pan­ts of the pro­ject “Taking Site!”, rea­li­sed at 5533 art space Istanbul and D21 art space Leipzig bet­ween April 21 and May 04, 2013, Chloe Bass invi­ted us to be part of her per­for­mance “Tea will be ser­ved”. The tea was ser­ved by the local tea man next to 5533 — as it was for the next two weeks. We had to cou­ple in pairs and have a spon­ta­neous con­ver­sa­ti­on about our dai­ly rou­ti­nes while drin­king tea. This inti­ma­te form of dia­lo­gue was the start of two inten­si­ve weeks of dis­cus­sions, see­king for the poten­ti­al and pro­blems of site and site-spe­ci­fi­ci­ty nowa­days. 5533 and D21 were con­nec­ted via live­stream, audi­ence in both places could fol­low the dis­cus­sions and get in dia­lo­gue via chat-mes­sa­ges and explo­re the gro­wing archi­ve about the dif­fe­rent aspects of site and site spe­ci­fic art.

The mea­ning of the term site-spe­ci­fi­ci­ty has chan­ged essen­ti­al­ly within the last deca­des. What is the rele­van­ce and func­tion of site in a media­ti­zed and glo­ba­li­zed world? And how do phy­si­cal places remain important as mee­ting places and con­sti­tu­ti­ve sites of poli­ti­cal identity?

While eco­no­mic, geo­po­li­ti­cal and cul­tu­ral uphe­avals cau­se an incre­asing mobi­li­ty and force migra­ti­on, our con­cepts of poli­ti­cal iden­ti­ty are still bound to site, socie­ty and nati­on. Touristic mobi­li­ty releases us from the rights and duties of a govern­men­tal poli­ty. This deter­ri­to­ri­a­li­sa­ti­on has inde­ed libe­ra­ting effects. The limi­ta­ti­ons of an iden­ti­ty, which is deter­mi­ned and nor­ma­li­sed by a site, can be repla­ced by the pro­duc­tion of mul­ti­ple iden­ti­ties, fle­xi­ble bonds and mea­nings. But the sta­tus as a poli­ti­cal sub­ject vanis­hes likewise.

So how can we enga­ge with a site? What are the dif­fe­rent know­ledge bases and approa­ches of citi­zens, tou­rists, migrants, artists? Is it pos­si­ble to com­bi­ne them? As experts working in noma­dic con­di­ti­ons, we invi­ted artists and cura­tors from Turkey, Germany, China, USA and Russia to share and exch­an­ge expe­ri­en­ces with site and site-spe­ci­fi­ci­ty. In a series of dis­cus­sions, they pre­sen­ted their rela­ted ide­as, work and rese­arch about the topic – invol­ving artis­tic, social, poli­ti­cal, thea­tri­cal, per­for­ma­ti­ve, phi­lo­so­phi­cal and ethi­cal aspects.

In the con­flict bet­ween mobi­li­ty and poli­ti­cal iden­ti­ty, the phy­si­cal pre­sence gets high­ly rele­vant again – the assem­bly of peo­p­le on site. The recent pro­test move­ments com­bi­ne the claims by the assem­bled bodies with an inten­se use of media-sites. Through the pos­si­bi­li­ty to fol­low the pro­cee­dings on site in »real time«, an affec­ti­ve reso­nan­ce is enhan­ced, that draws more and more peo­p­le to the site. And alt­hough social net­works, the crea­ti­on of com­mu­ni­ties in the inter­net and the search for iden­ti­ty in the abs­tract space is said to be a cha­rac­te­ristic of the pre­sent, the body is still poli­ti­cal in this incre­asing digi­tal world. Various uphe­avals around Europe streng­then the ques­ti­on about the func­tion of phy­si­cal­ly occu­p­ied places. The Gezi Park move­ment at Taksim squa­re in Istanbul, begin­ning May 2013, short­ly after our pro­ject finis­hed, was part of these.

How did we end – as a pro­ject cal­led ”Taking Site!”? The con­nec­tion of the two art spaces in the two count­ries via live­stream ques­tio­ned spea­king about site-spe­ci­fi­ci­ty at the same time, and crea­ted a hybrid site in bet­ween, which was ques­tio­ned by the par­ti­ci­pan­ts after a while. In the end, we deci­ded to ack­now­ledge this hybrid media-site as the place of enga­ge­ment and to make a final pre­sen­ta­ti­on in a show-for­mat, fore­groun­ding the live­stream situa­ti­on and empha­si­ze it as the site of action.

This publi­ca­ti­on aims to give pre­sence to parts of the dia­lo­gues and shared expe­ri­en­ces, and to crea­te a basis for an exten­ded dis­cus­sion, apart from the acce­le­ra­ti­on and eph­emer­a­li­ty of real-time- digi­tal communication.

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