Olga Holzschuh lives and works in Cologne. Her artistic work deals with the influence and effect of visible and invisible factors on identity and subject in the age of digitalization.
Tabea Venrath studied Cultural Studies and Psychology at the Universities of Hildesheim and Hamburg. Writing for theatre, performance and intermedia art projects – often in collaborative artistic contexts, her work was lately shown at Bordkiosk Surprise(Hafencity, Hamburg),AUFTAKT Festival für szenische Texte(studiobühneköln, Cologne) and Dgtl fmnsm Festival (Hellerau, Dresden).
Interested in hybrid, fictional and non-fictional text material and text production within digital spaces, such as online forums and dating apps, questioning new forms of authorship.
Avi Bolotinsky, born in Jerusalem, studied philosophy. She works as director and production manager in a weather studio. Sometimes she engages in film and theater and does things that sound way more glamorous.