30.6. – 1.7.18

The Saddest Piece. Ever. (in its Saddest Version. Ever.)


Foto: Elli Kuruş

Emotional States

Künstler:innen  Kik Melone (Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Silvia Marchig, Josip Maršić)

Zeit  19.00 – 21.00

Kuratiert durch  Lena Brüggemann

Die Solo-Performances von Kik Melone (Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Silvia Marchig, Josip Maršić) ver­schmel­zen Klang, Körper, Bilder, Gedichte und heid­ni­sche Rituale. Durch die Erforschung der Traurigkeit als eine radi­kal inti­me Emotion, stellt „The Saddest Piece. Ever.(in its Saddest Version. Ever.)” auto-refle­xi­ve Fragen über Kollektivität und gemein­sa­mes Schaffen. Paradoxerweise als Solo-Formate ange­legt, kämp­fen ihre Erschaffer_innen allei­ne in der ver­zwei­fel­ten Suche nach Antworten auch Fragen die grö­ßer sind als das Leben, wie das über­wäl­ti­gen­de Gefühl der Trägodie unse­rer Zeit und der Auflösung und Zerstörung der Welt wie wir sie ken­nen. „The Saddest Piece. Ever.” erscheint durch
eine Vielzahl von tra­gi­schen, thea­tra­li­schen wie auch per­for­ma­ti­ven Intensitäten, die viel­leicht bes­ser beschrie­ben wer­den in den Worten von Alain Badiou, der die Grundfrage nach dem wah­ren Glück aus dem kapi­ta­lis­ti­schen Imperativ des Konsums frei­legt: “Happiness can be defi­ned (the­re) as the affir­ma­ti­ve expe­ri­ence of an inter­rup­ti­on of finitude.”

By explo­ring sad­ness as a radi­cal­ly inti­ma­te emo­ti­on, in its method The Saddest Piece. Ever. opens up auto-refle­xi­ve ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning crea­ti­on and coll­ec­ti­ve aut­hor­ship. By para­do­xi­cal­ly mani­fest­ing its­elf in solo for­mats, its crea­tors drown in a search for despe­ra­te ans­wers to resol­ve ques­ti­ons big­ger than life, such as the over­whel­ming fee­ling of tra­ge­dy of our times or the dis­in­te­gra­ti­on of the world as we know it.
The abyss of this ris­ky quest, iro­ni­cal­ly self-pro­clai­med as The Saddest Piece. Ever, appears through a varie­ty of tra­gic and thea­tri­cal albeit per­for­ma­ti­ve inten­si­ties which could per­haps be bet­ter descri­bed in the words of Alain Badiou: “Happiness can be defi­ned (the­re) as the affir­ma­ti­ve expe­ri­ence of an inter­rup­ti­on of finitude.”

Kik Melone (2008) is an artis­tic pro­ject from Zagreb, Croatia. It func­tions as a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve per­for­ma­ti­ve group that works on the inter­sec­tion of dance, theat­re, per­for­mance, film and expe­ri­men­tal music. Kik Melone base their prac­ti­ce on expe­ri­men­ta­ti­on, often play­ing with gen­re ele­ments so as to ques­ti­on various aspects of per­for­ma­ti­vi­ty and thea­tri­cal­i­ty. The start­ing point of all their work is phy­si­cal per­for­mance open to the influen­ces of real time as it occurs. Sharing aut­hor­ship and per­forming are the cor­ner­sto­nes of their artis­tic practice.

Emotional States

Gefördert durch

Croatian Ministry of Culture