Die Solo-Performances von Kik Melone (Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Silvia Marchig, Josip Maršić) verschmelzen Klang, Körper, Bilder, Gedichte und heidnische Rituale. Durch die Erforschung der Traurigkeit als eine radikal intime Emotion, stellt „The Saddest Piece. Ever.(in its Saddest Version. Ever.)” auto-reflexive Fragen über Kollektivität und gemeinsames Schaffen. Paradoxerweise als Solo-Formate angelegt, kämpfen ihre Erschaffer_innen alleine in der verzweifelten Suche nach Antworten auch Fragen die größer sind als das Leben, wie das überwältigende Gefühl der Trägodie unserer Zeit und der Auflösung und Zerstörung der Welt wie wir sie kennen. „The Saddest Piece. Ever.” erscheint durch
eine Vielzahl von tragischen, theatralischen wie auch performativen Intensitäten, die vielleicht besser beschrieben werden in den Worten von Alain Badiou, der die Grundfrage nach dem wahren Glück aus dem kapitalistischen Imperativ des Konsums freilegt: “Happiness can be defined (there) as the affirmative experience of an interruption of finitude.”
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Künstler:innen  Kik Melone (Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Silvia Marchig, Josip Maršić)
Zeit  19.00 – 21.00
Kuratiert durch  Lena Brüggemann
By exploring sadness as a radically intimate emotion, in its method The Saddest Piece. Ever. opens up auto-reflexive questions concerning creation and collective authorship. By paradoxically manifesting itself in solo formats, its creators drown in a search for desperate answers to resolve questions bigger than life, such as the overwhelming feeling of tragedy of our times or the disintegration of the world as we know it.
The abyss of this risky quest, ironically self-proclaimed as The Saddest Piece. Ever, appears through a variety of tragic and theatrical albeit performative intensities which could perhaps be better described in the words of Alain Badiou: “Happiness can be defined (there) as the affirmative experience of an interruption of finitude.”
Kik Melone (2008) is an artistic project from Zagreb, Croatia. It functions as a collaborative performative group that works on the intersection of dance, theatre, performance, film and experimental music. Kik Melone base their practice on experimentation, often playing with genre elements so as to question various aspects of performativity and theatricality. The starting point of all their work is physical performance open to the influences of real time as it occurs. Sharing authorship and performing are the cornerstones of their artistic practice.