All programs will be broadcast on Corax (RC, 95,9), UKW 87,5 (covering the vicinity of D21 Artspace) and/or Radio Blau (RB, 99,2), and here:
Schedule (12 November—22 Dezember 2020) available here for download.
Archive available here.
There’s crackling in the back room. There’s clattering in the machine room. What is left of the 1920s radio laboratories… and how to tell radio stories today.
Friday, 18 December 2020
15:00—18:00 Radio Program (RC)
Radiolabore Retrospektive (Radio Labs Retrospective)
with Stefania Smolkina, Theresa Münnich, and others
18:00—19:00 Radio Program (RB)
Geräuschkulisse Finale
Voices from Lindenau, talking about their experiences with the medium radio and their personal radio stories.
19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Auch Schön (Also Nice) – Lab Time
Saturday, 19 December 2020
15:00—17:00 Radio Program (RB)
Radio Animalia
17:00—19:00 Performance (RB)
Liquid Penguin Ensemble
The queen, it is said, is staying in her castle. She wants to experience the first radio concert ever broadcast the way it is meant to be experienced: at the receiver. There’s crackling, but then a musical pearl appears and rolls between the queen’s ears. Her head: disembodies voices, placeless arias, in the hovering enigma of sounds.
19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Auch Schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time
Sunday, 20 December 2020
15:00—16:00 Radio Program (RB)
Stadtfunk Leipzig’s Last Show
16:00—17:00 Radio Program (RB)
Stadtfunk Leipzig
Feature and talk with author Sylvia Rohr
Have you maybe noticed a derelict loudspeaker in the urban space of Leipzig? The loudspeakers used to be part of Stadtfunk Leipzig, a municipal public address system—a radio story taking place somewhere between the Soviet regime, the desire for freedom, and agitprop.
17:00—19:00 Radio Program
Radiomanifeste (Radio Manifests)
Calls on Radio
with Felix Kubin, Hartmut Geerken, Sarah Washington, Knut Aufermann, Ralf Wendt, Frederike Moormann, Anna Friz, Anna Bromley, Alex Körner, and others
19:00—20:00 Live Performance
Die letzte deutsche Radiosendung (The last German Radio Show)
by Sarah Washington
Can anyone unhear us from Leipzig? Get ready for an hour of hysterical farewells und dramatic adieus: good-bye, good-bye! We have come to say bye-bye, can you still here us? We hope not! Good-bye, good-bye, cheerio!
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
20:00 Live Radio Play
One to Many
by Angelika Waniek, Frederike Moormann,
Hauptmeier | Recker, Max Schneider
A visit to the original location of the first radio program. Sparks are flying. Inventors are walking along corridors. And there is no original. A program about the difficulty of beginning a (his)story. And a browsing through a contradictory history and hundreds of radio beginnings.
→ Schaubühne Lindenfels