29.4. – 30.4.23



Radical Care

Time  14:00

On April 29 and 30, 2023, the GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst will host the second edi­ti­on of the LEIPZIG PHOTOBOOK FESTIVAL with an exten­si­ve sup­port­ing program.

As a coope­ra­ti­on part­ner of the 2nd LEIPZIG PHOTOBOOK FESTIVAL, the f/stop Fotoszene Leipzig will show pho­to books by Leipzig artists, pro­vi­de insight into ver­sa­ti­le works of the local pho­to sce­ne and invi­te to speed dating (regis­tra­ti­on pos­si­ble until April 12, details below) and net­wor­king meetings.

Saturday 29.04.
GRASSI Museum for Applied Art
14:00 — 15:30, pil­lar hall
• f/stop Fotoszene Leipzig exhi­bits pho­to books by Leipzig artists and pres­ents three cur­rent projects:

”From Nothing to Something“ — A book by the basic pho­to­gra­phy cour­se of the Leipzig Academy of Visual Arts with pho­to­gra­phic works by 16 stu­dents. The class from the pho­to­gra­phy depart­ment has inten­si­ve­ly dealt with the topic “Nothing” over a year of basic stu­dies (2021 ‑20222) under the super­vi­si­on of Carsten Benger, Alexander Rischer and Torsten Hattenkerl.

”CREATURE O.T.“ by Alba Frenzel.
Creature — a spe­ci­es dis­co­ver­ed on ana­log imagery and threa­ten­ed with extinc­tion, which Alba Frenzel con­siders wort­hy of pre­ser­va­ti­on. The book cata­logs 276 pre­ser­ved spe­ci­mens arran­ged chro­no­lo­gi­cal­ly by their date of discovery.

”STATUES ALSO DIE“ by Jan Mammey and Falk Messerschmidt. The artis­t’s book is the result of inten­si­ve pho­to­gra­phic rese­arch and exem­pla­ri­ly docu­ments the post­co­lo­ni­al tre­at­ment of colo­ni­al arti­facts in the grea­ter Paris area.

Sunday 30.04.
GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts
14:00, Pillar Hall
• Speed Dating
Moderated and gui­ded, the speed-dating aims to enable peo­p­le to get to know each other on dif­fe­rent levels and to crea­te space for pos­si­ble joint pro­ject ide­as. Artists working with the medi­um of pho­to­gra­phy and ope­ra­tors of art venues in Saxony and Central Germany are cor­di­al­ly invi­ted to regis­ter by 12.04.23: fotoszene@f‑stop-leipzig.de

Sunday 30.04.
GRASSI Museum for Applied Art
16:00, pil­lar hall
• Network mee­ting f/stop Fotoszene Leipzig
f/stop Fotoszene Leipzig intro­du­ces its­elf and gives insight into the ver­sa­ti­le acti­vi­ties as well as get-tog­e­ther with pre­sent pho­to book artists of the Leipzig pho­to sce­ne, who­se books can be seen at the f/stop Fotoszene Leipzig booth.

More infor­ma­ti­on about the pro­gram can be found on the web­site.
The Leipzig Photobook Festival is an inter­na­tio­nal fes­ti­val that pres­ents the poten­ti­al of the medi­um pho­to­book in a con­tem­po­ra­ry context.

Organized by die­nacht e. V. in coope­ra­ti­on with GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst and f/stop — Festival for Photography Leipzig.


Radical Care