All programs will be broadcast on Corax (RC, 95,9), UKW 87,5 (covering the vicinity of D21 Artspace) and/or Radio Blau (RB, 99,2), and here:
Schedule (12 November—22 Dezember) available here for download.
Archive available here.
Is there someone sitting by themself on the radio? Or are they collectively sitting in the market square? And how many media do we really want to open up? A celebration of the subjective inside and around the radio station.
Friday, 27 November 2020
15:00—16:00 Radio Program & Performance (RC)
What comes to pause? Again? When and where?
Angelika Waniek and Olga Vostretsova
16:00—18:00 Radio Program (RB)
with Dieter Daniels, Elisabeth Zimmermann, Lukas Holfeld, LIGNA, and others
An investigation of the artistic and political avant-garde’s roles on the radio
Youth Avant-Garde and Feminist Radio Making
Michaela Melián
with extracts from Electric Ladyland and Chant du Nix
19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Auch schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time
From Chlebnikov to Schlingensief—an acoustic journey through radio avant-gardes.
Saturday, 28 November 2020
15:00—16:00 Radio Program (RB)
Mr. Vast on Cack Island
A wild radio ride through the city’s underground.
16:00—17:00 Radio Program & Tour (RB)
Curators’ Tour
→ At D21 Artspace
17:00—19:00 Performance
schreber sein korridor (schreber’s corridor)
by D.I.Y. Church (Cashmere Radio, Berlin)
When the radio plays from the garden through the garden and above the garden about the garden.
19:00—20:00 Radio Program (RB)
Auch schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time
Rafael Jové—Das Radio ist nicht Sibirien (Radio isn’t Sibiria)
Sunday, 29 November 2020
15:00—17:00 Live Radio Play (RB & RC)
Schreberstunden (Schreber Time)
by Matteo Spanó (Cashmere Radio, Berlin)
A non-linear radio tale about people with schizophrenia and alternative radio theoreticians. A live radio play with a soundscape of allotment gardens and airwave surfaces. In German, English, and Glossolalia.
17:00—18:00 Radio Program (RB & RC)
Datscharadio Berlin (Dacha Radio Berlin)
18:00—19:00 Radio Program (RB & RC)
Eine radiophone Straßenbahnfahrt (A Radiophone Tram Ride)
Benjamin Kunath (artist and former tram driver)
in conversation with Dieter Daniels
…about the sound of the tram inside D21 Artspace and about making art with trams
19:00—20:00 Radio Program (RB & RC)
Auch schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time
with Marold Langer-Philippsen (Radioerevan)