21.7. – 3.9.21

Erik Weiser (Residency Natural History Museum)


Photo:Erik Weiser

Künstler Erik Weiser

Time  11

D21 Artspace and the Natural History Museum have invi­ted Leipzig artists Erik Weiser and Theresa Zwerschke to enga­ge artis­ti­cal­ly with the museum’s coll­ec­tion. Erik Weiser has stu­di­ed various fish spe­ci­es and re-crea­ted them using curious mate­ri­als, such as neon-colo­red snea­k­ers. His works will be shown from 21 July to 3 September 2021 on the second flo­or of the Natural History Museum.

In times of glo­bal warm­ing and bio­di­ver­si­ty loss, artists are cal­led upon to make the­se chal­lenges visi­ble and per­cep­ti­ble in aes­the­tic ways. Against this back­drop, the idea aro­se to crea­te two rese­arch scho­lar­ships who­se results are now being pre­sen­ted. From a cura­to­ri­al point of view, rather than a purely inspi­ra­tio­nal use of the sci­en­ti­fic coll­ec­tions, an inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry approach con­nec­ting sci­en­ti­fic and artis­tic ques­ti­ons and phe­no­me­na was essential.

In 2021, D21 Artspace will focus on the rela­ti­onship bet­ween humans and natu­re. The topic of the year Human Nature will pro­vi­de an oppor­tu­ni­ty to look into this com­plex of the­mes from com­plex per­spec­ti­ves and in a varie­ty of formats.


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