30.11. – 12.12.23

„Exercising Collective Disobedience“ / Dům umění, Brno


Bild aus der Performance YCT529
Radical Care

Artists  Alexandra Ivanciu, Jolanta Nowaczyk

Time  18:00

Curated by  Ewa Meister, Valentina Iancu

„Exercising Collective Disobedience“ with Alexandra Ivanciu and Jolanta Nowaczyk will con­ti­nue in Prague and Brno. In Brno, the House of Art (Dům umění) will show the exhi­bi­ti­on from 3011.–12.12.2023. Further infor­ma­ti­on in Czech and English at:


Opening: 30.11.2023
18:00 / Performance „About Flowers and Choice“ by Alexandra Ivanciu, Jolanta Nowaczyk
19:00 / Performance „YCT529“ by Maria Winkler
Performance YCT529
The mys­ti­cal per­for­mance YCT529 cele­bra­tes fema­le mens­trua­ti­on and builds a bridge bet­ween the four sea­sons and the four pha­ses of the mens­tru­al cycle. The artist also dis­cus­ses the ambi­va­lence of hor­mo­n­al con­tracep­ti­ve methods bet­ween free­dom through the eman­ci­pa­ti­on of one’s own repro­duc­ti­ve func­tions and the orga­ni­zed sup­pres­si­on of fema­le desire.
The per­for­mance is seen as a repre­sen­ta­ti­on of the per­for­mers’ own per­cep­ti­ons and is com­po­sed of sound-instal­la­ti­ve moments and text.
Performance: Maria Winkler
Sound: Gabriel Wörfel, Maria Winkler
Performers: Luise Hemman, Maria Winkler
Radical Care
