Sa, 16.9.23



Radical Care

Artists  Alexandra Ivanciu, Jolanta Nowaczyk

Time  16:00 – 20:00

Curated by  Ewa Meister, Valentina Iancu

In the con­text of the exhi­bi­ti­on ”Exercising Collective Disobidience” we show in coope­ra­ti­on with Weiterdenken Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen e.V. the film ”WIE WIR WOLLEN“ and talk with experts and activists.

4 p.m.: Film scree­ning “WIE WIR WOLLEN”, pro­du­ced by coll­ec­ti­ve Kinokas.
With the inten­ti­on of brea­king the social taboo of abor­ti­on, the docu­men­ta­ry-film pro­ject shows inter­views of 50 peo­p­le who have deci­ded to ter­mi­na­te an unwan­ted pregnan­cy. The film cri­ti­cal­ly ques­ti­ons what it means to make a free decis­i­on on this sen­si­ti­ve topic.

6:30: Conversation with Gosia from the Polish initia­ti­ve Ciocia Basia, Dr. Joris Gregor (Couples and Sex Therapy, Queer and Gender Studies) and Marieke Bea from Doctors for Choice. The con­ver­sa­ti­on will be mode­ra­ted by Laura Clarissa Loew.


Radical Care


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