Fr, 19.1.24

Aykan Safoğlu: „Stuttgart, Istanbul, Berlin, Heidelberg; Herbst 2018“


Radical Care

Artists  Aykan Safoğlu

Time  19:00

Curated by  Magdalena Stöger, Leon Hösl


In the series „f/stop TALK,“ the cura­tors of the f/stop Festival 2024 enga­ge in con­ver­sa­ti­ons with artists. These month­ly events mark the begin­ning of the 10th edi­ti­on of the f/stop – Festival for Photography Leipzig, cura­ted by Magdalena Stöger and Leon Hösl. The series kicked off in late November with Gabriele Stötzer, and now we con­ti­nue with Aykan Safoğlu.

„Stuttgart, Istanbul, Berlin, Heidelberg; Autumn 2018“

In a lec­tu­re, Aykan Safoğlu recaps the crea­ti­on of his essay film „ziya­ret, visit“ (2019) through sound recor­dings and archi­val mate­ri­als. The artist, based in Berlin and Vienna, pro­vi­des insights into thought pro­ces­ses and encoun­ters from 2018, the pro­duc­tion peri­od of the film, which signi­fi­cant­ly influen­ced his artis­tic approach. „ziya­ret, visit“ is a por­trait of the Old St. Matthäus Cemetery in Berlin and the indi­vi­du­als con­nec­ted to this memo­ri­al site, who­se sto­ries tran­s­cend tem­po­ral and spa­ti­al boun­da­ries and can be read as a coll­ec­ti­ve meta­phor for Germany. As the second part of a tri­lo­gy, the film explo­res the rela­ti­onship bet­ween pho­to­gra­phy, com­mu­ni­ty, and memory.

Aykan Safoğlu ear­ned his MFA in Photography from the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College in NY/USA. Between 2014 and 2018, he held resi­den­ci­es at insti­tu­ti­ons such as Akademie Schloss Solitude, Ashkal Alwan, and the Rijksakademie van beel­den­de kunsten. In 2013, he was award­ed the Grand Prize of the City of Oberhausen at the 59th International Short Film Festival Oberhausen. Aykan Safoğlu recei­ved the Birgit Jürgenssen Prize in 2021 and is curr­ent­ly a PhD can­di­da­te at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.



Radical Care