4.12. – 6.12.20



Time  15 – 20

All pro­grams will be broad­cast on Corax (RC, 95,9), UKW 87,5 (cove­ring the vici­ni­ty of D21 Artspace) and/or Radio Blau (RB, 99,2), and here:

Schedule (12 November—22 December 2020) available here for download.

Archive available here.

A buzz of voices— many-voi­ced, in uni­son. Polyphonic or bor­de­ring on the caco­pho­nic? This is whe­re the many are! About diver­se sound­scapes, inter­sec­ting spaces, and an appe­ti­te for chaos.

Friday, 4 December 2020
15:00—18:00 Radio Program (RC)
Sound Art and Radio
…about the exhi­bi­ti­on “Polyphon” at Kunstsammlung Gera (2021). (cura­ted by Anne Zeitz in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Claudia Tittel)
With sound snip­pets by the par­ti­ci­pa­ting artists and others by Matthieu Saladin and Natascha Sadr Haghighian.

1800—19:00 Performance (RB)
by Maximilian Glass and Tina Klatte
Short. Gentle. Deep. Inward. Desired. Almost. Absent. Unnoticed. A coll­ec­ti­ve text starts to speak, tou­ch­es cont­act, ton­gue, mem­bra­ne, and final­ly casts its­elf over to you. Visitors are invi­ted to step insi­de the text space and have a writ­ten word.

19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Auch Schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time

Saturday, 5 December 2020
15:00—17:00 Performance (RB)
Kein Ort zum Bleiben (Not A Place To Stay)
by Ralf Wendt

17:00—19:00 Radio Program (RB)
Geisterhaftes Radio (Ghost Radio)
with LIGNA, Sally McIntyre, Friedrich Jürgenson, and others

19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Auch Schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time

Sunday, 6 December 2020
15:00—18:00 (RB)
Interventionen und Radio als Werkzeug (Interventions and Radio as a Tool)
with Ralf Wendt, Tina Klatte, LIGNA, Roger Behrens, Lukas Holfeld, and others

18:00—19:00 Performance
by Maria Karpushina
Captions are simi­lar to sub­tit­les, but with addi­tio­nal fea­tures. For thir­ty minu­tes, cap­ti­ons from docu­men­ta­ry movies will be presented—playing with what you can see, but not hear, and hear, but not see.

19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Auch Schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time