All programs will be broadcast on Corax (RC, 95,9), UKW 87,5 (covering the vicinity of D21 Artspace) and/or Radio Blau (RB, 99,2), and here:
Schedule (12 November—22 Dezember 2020) available here for download.
Archive available here.
On digital rituals and radio habits—Hello and Good-bye, dear listeners
Friday, 11 December 2020
15:00—16:00 Radio Program (RC)
Sven Bergelt and Dieter Daniels about „53 Kommentare“ („52 Commentaries“)
…on the re-enactment of the Battle of the Nations and the re-enactment of the re-enactment on the internet. Re-enacting a radio re-enactment. Resuming a conversation.
16:00—17:00 Radio Program (RC)
Dystopisches Radio (Dystopian Radio)
with Hannah Sieben („Utopia“), Heiner Grenzland, Anna Friz, Christina Baron („Nordlichter“ [„Northerners“]), and others
17:00—18:00 Radio Program (RC)
Christina Baron („Nordlichter“ [„Northerners“])
18:00—19:00 Radio Program (RB)
City of Drizzle—Knut Aufermann and Sarah Washington
19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Das Radio ist nicht Sibirien (Radio isn’t Sibiria)—Rafael Jové
Saturday, 12 December 2020
15:00—16:15 Radio Program (RB)
Radio Rituale à la HGB (Radio Rituals, HGB style)
with HGB students Tatjana Lentini, Merlin Meister, Leni Pohl, Julia Gerke, Antonia Bannwarth, Adrian Lück, and Lennard Becker
16:15–17:99 Radio program (RB)
MEDUSA 10 goes blind—Live Acoustic Performance
by Denise Blickhan
based on multi media performance cycle MEDUSA: #gaze, body, power, powerlessness, submission, optimization, responsibility, individual/collective, dystopia.
17:00—18:00 Radio Program (RB)
Radio Rituale (Radio Rituals)
with Sarah Washington, Ralf Wendt, Ivor Kallin, and others
Das Radio ist nicht Sibirien (Radio isn’t Sibiria)
18:00—19:00 Performance (RB)
by Abir Tawakalna
“Lost”—What does it mean “to loose”? “to loose yourself”?
When I say that I am lost, does it make sense that I am lost in a place or in a time? A radiophonic ritual.
19:00—20:00 Radio Program
Auch Schön (Also Nice)—Lab Time
Sunday, 13 December 2020
15:00—19 Uhr Radio Program (RB)
Utopian and Dystopian Radio
In cooperation with Experimentelles Radio at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the semester project
Andreas von Stosch—Radio Pedestrian—What is Your Fear?
Annegret Altersarmut und Ulla Unlust—Daseinsvorsorge. Agit-Audio-Seeds-Walk (Olga Oldagepoverty and Linda Listlessness—Existential Prevention. Agit-Audio-Seeds-Walk)
Dieter Daniels and Benjamin Kunath—A Radiophonic Tram Ride
Contributions by members of the course “Listening (Cultures)” at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
with Lisa Albrecht, Susanne Altmann, Zelda Diedrich, Moritz Hanfgarn, Sofie Heinz, Marko Hörschelmann, Vivien Jester, Jonathan Mürmann, Radu Reinhardt, Dean Ruddock, Aliya Sayfart, Lukas Trautmann, Cäcilie Willkommen
Paula Holzhauer and Aliya Sayfart—A performance and an exchange of letters