Sa, 10.6.23

Wrestling with hannsjana


Radical Care

Artists  hannsjana

Time  19h

Curated by  Yvonne Zindel

”Wrestling“ flaunts the show ele­ments of thea­tri­cal com­bat and con­veys com­plex femi­nist points of con­ten­ti­on in seve­ral matches. The obvious rea­lism of the per­for­med con­flict in wrest­ling is con­tras­ted with the sup­po­sedly pure dis­cur­si­ve­ness of femi­nism: just as a punch real­ly shapes the nose, so does a femi­nist dis­cour­se real­ly shape our lives. Maybe not as fast, bru­tal and obvious, but no less signi­fi­cant. Ring free for the feminisms!

Radical Care


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