Mi, 30.6.21

Artist Talk with Katarína Dubovská (online)


Time  18

On the occa­si­on of the f/stop Satellite Exhibition [response_ability] at D21 Artspace, Katarína Dubovská will speak with Julia Eckert, cura­tor of the exhi­bi­ti­on, about her artis­tic prac­ti­ce and the cur­rent exhibition.

In her work, Katarína Dubovká fol­lows a post-pho­to­gra­phic approach, hand­ling the medi­um in con­cep­tu­al and sculp­tu­ral ways. Experimenting with dif­fe­rent ima­ging tech­ni­ques, some of which were deve­lo­ped spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for this pur­po­se, as well as the dis­so­lu­ti­on and pla­s­tic re-for­ma­ti­on of image mate­ri­al, she re-con­tex­tua­li­zes and ques­ti­ons givens. Through hap­tic, tech­no­lo­gi­cal and dis­cur­si­ve exami­na­ti­on of the image mate­ri­al that sur­rounds her, she crea­tes a bree­ding ground for re-for­ma­ti­ons and new per­spec­ti­ves. The exhi­bi­ti­on [response_ability] focu­ses on newer pie­ces from Katarína Dubovská’s latest group of works, Intertwined Conditions, which dis­cus­ses the agen­cy of mat­ter in com­plex ways. Which poten­ti­als and chal­lenges for an artis­tic prac­ti­ce does such a post-huma­nist per­spec­ti­ve provide?

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