Di, 10.8.21

Factories of Imagination at the Panometer Open Air Theater


Time  21.15

Our film Factories of Imagination at the Panometer Open Air Theater.

What is the con­nec­tion bet­ween clubs and old walls? How can club cul­tu­re beco­me green and sus­tainable? Can an indus­tri­al ruin con­vey a sen­se of iden­ti­ty? What importance do places of indus­tri­al work have in the post-fos­sil age and how will they be used in the future? And what do cul­tu­ral workers ask from poli­tics and urban socie­ty in 2020?

Factories of Imagination is a film about the rela­ti­onship bet­ween indus­tri­al buil­dings and the peo­p­le who use them. Art and cul­tu­re sce­ne prot­ago­nists and acti­vists who out of con­vic­tion or by chan­ce star­ted app­ly­ing them­sel­ves to the pre­ser­va­ti­on and nar­ra­ti­on of indus­tri­al heri­ta­ge take us to the places of their acti­vi­ties to talk about their pro­jects. The film docu­ments the broad ran­ge of the actors’ reasons and moti­va­tions: docu­men­ting spaces that are gra­du­al­ly dis­ap­pearing, crea­ting tra­di­tio­nal and new iden­ti­ties, re-coding spaces for cul­tu­re and music, sear­ching for open spaces, or the desi­re for self-rea­liza­ti­on and the wish to pro­tect a spe­cial heri­ta­ge and make it come alive.

During the dif­fi­cult year of 2020, the film’s prot­ago­nists give us insights into their work, their work­place, and their view of the future of indus­tri­al culture.

Actors from seven dif­fe­rent pro­jects and insti­tu­ti­ons are por­tray­ed: WERK 2—Kulturfabrik Leipzig, Project Gleisdreieck of the Leipziger Club- und Kulturstiftung, MIB Coloured Fields tog­e­ther with Wirkbau Chemnitz, ibug—Urban Art Festival, Netzwerk Industrie.Kultur.Ost Zwickau, Zentralwerk Dresden and Institut für Neue Industriekultur INIK Cottbus at the Energiefabrik Knappenrode.


The Panometer Open Air Theater is a joint pro­ject of UT Connewitz, Panometer Leipzig and WERK 2

Supported by: Stadt Leipzig—Kulturamt, Stadt Leipzig—Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung, Neustart Kultur, Initiative für Musik and LiveKommbinat Leipzig e.V.

Arena am Panometer, admis­si­on: 20:15, scree­ning: 21:15, free admission!