31.5. – 16.6.24

The 10th edition of f/stop—Festival for Photography Leipzig


Radical Care

Time  00.00 – 00.00

Curated by  Magdalena Stöger, Leon Hösl


“Flucht in die Öffentlichkeit” (lite­ral­ly: “escape into the public sphe­re”) refers to a con­trol­led out­ward move­ment as a pos­si­ble stra­tegy of artis­tic, poli­ti­cal, and acti­vist work. The German house­hold expres­si­on is often used when tal­king about infor­mants who seek pro­tec­tion through publi­ca­ti­on, brin­ging their incri­mi­na­ting mate­ri­al to a broad public which can act as a safe space. Visibility is used as a con­trol mecha­nism which calls on the public opi­ni­on for sup­port for cri­ti­cal actions. In the GDR, “Flucht in die Öffentlichkeit” meant demons­t­ra­ting stead­fast­ness and unity, as oppo­sed to sub­li­mi­nal dis­rup­ti­ve govern­ment strategies.

Taking this expres­si­on as a start­ing point, the f/stop fes­ti­val looks into the rela­ti­onship of visi­bi­li­ty and oppo­si­tio­na­li­ty and asks how acti­vist prac­ti­ces can be visua­li­zed wit­hout limi­ting their agen­cy. The fes­ti­val assem­bles his­to­ri­cal and con­tem­po­ra­ry prac­ti­ces at the inter­sec­tion of indi­vi­du­al care and socie­tal agen­cy and inves­ti­ga­tes the poli­ti­cal dimen­si­on of image pro­duc­tion against the back­drop of cur­rent deba­tes and glo­bal cri­ses. Particular atten­ti­on is paid to archi­val approa­ches and how they take on respon­si­bi­li­ty for the past.

The 10th edi­ti­on of f/stop—Festival für Fotografie Leipzig will expand into the city cen­ter and into the public space and be pre­sen­ted in various dif­fe­rent exhi­bi­ti­on spaces. Displays in the public space will trans­form the city cen­ter of Leipzig into a space for nego­tia­ti­on of socie­tal topics. Different site-spe­ci­fic and mobi­le for­mats will bring the exhi­bi­ti­on to the public space.The fes­ti­val its­elf will thus “escape into the public sphe­re” in an attempt to chall­enge the city, its frag­men­ted publics and its insti­tu­ti­ons through pho­to­gra­phic and cine­ma­to­gra­phic prac­ti­ce and con­front them with today’s pres­sing issues.

Radical Care