So, 22.10.23

INTERVENTION: Lecture and Performance


Bild aus der Performance YCT529
Radical Care

Artists  Alexandra Ivanciu, Jolanta Nowaczyk

Time  16:00 – 19:00

Curated by  Ewa Meister, Valentina Iancu

Lecture and performance: “Between equality, population policy and self-determination — on the right to abortion in the GDR“ (Luisa Klatte) + YCT529 (Marie Charlotte Elsner & Maria Winkler)

• 16:00: Reception
• 16:30: Short intro­duc­tion and lec­tu­re entit­led “Between Equality, Population Policy and Self-Determination — On the Right to Abortion in the GDR” by Luisa Klatte
• 17:30: Performance “YCT529” by Maria Winkler with Marie Charlotte Elsner

Since its intro­duc­tion in Germany at the end of the 19th cen­tu­ry, the strugg­le against the cri­mi­na­liza­ti­on of abor­ti­on and §218 has been a cen­tral object of social pro­test. It is often misun­ders­tood that abor­ti­ons were not always pro­hi­bi­ted in Germany. For exam­p­le, abor­ti­ons up to the 12th week and wit­hout giving reasons were per­mit­ted in the GDR from 1972. The lec­tu­re dis­cus­ses how this libe­ra­liza­ti­on came about, how abor­ti­ons were posi­tio­ned in the GDR, and how their lega­li­ty was nego­tia­ted in the German reuni­fi­ca­ti­on process.
Luisa Klatte is a cul­tu­ral sci­en­tist and is doing her doc­to­ra­te at the University of Leipzig on the lega­li­ty of abor­ti­on in (post-)socialist socie­ties, using the GDR and Poland as examples.

The mys­ti­cal per­for­mance YCT529 cele­bra­tes fema­le mens­trua­ti­on, bridging the four sea­sons and the four pha­ses of the cycle. The artist addres­ses the ambi­va­lence of hor­mo­n­al con­tracep­ti­ve methods bet­ween free­dom through the eman­ci­pa­ti­on of one’s own repro­duc­ti­ve func­tions and orga­ni­zed sup­pres­si­on of fema­le desire.
The per­for­mance is con­side­red a repre­sen­ta­ti­on of the per­for­mers’ own per­cep­ti­ons and is com­po­sed of sound-instal­la­ti­ve moments and text. The pre­mie­re took place in May tog­e­ther with Luise Hemmann in the con­text of the exhi­bi­ti­on RE:ENCHANTED BODIES, which was cura­ted by Hanna Thuma and Jannika Jähnisch.

Performance: Maria Winkler
Sound: Gabriel Wörfel, Maria Winkler
Performers: Marie Charlotte Elsner, Maria Winkler
Image: Catherina Rocio

In Cooperation with: Re*mapping Leipzig

Radical Care



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Re*Mapping Leipzig