Di, 22.12.20

Live Performance of the Sound Art Program One to Many


Time  20 – 22

Sound art per­for­mance cele­bra­ting 100 years of radio, by Frederike Moormann, Angelika Waniek, Constanze Müller, and Dieter Daniels

“Hello, hel­lo, this is Königs Wusterhausen on wave 2700.” Four radio enthu­si­asts set out to recon­s­truct the first German radio broad­cast in a live program.
On December 22, 1920, the main radio sta­ti­on of the Deutsche Post, the offi­ci­al German pos­tal aut­ho­ri­ty, broad­cast a Christmas con­cert using an arc con­ver­ter. Radio was born. Probably no one in Germany lis­ten­ed to this first German radio pro­gram. Listening to the radio was still ille­gal. For tech­ni­cal reasons, the pro­gram wasn’t recor­ded eit­her. Broadcasting “one-to-many” was an important step in media evo­lu­ti­on, after the telephone’s “one-to-one” and befo­re the “many-to-many” of today’s inter­net. Following the dyna­mics of the first German expe­ri­men­tal broad­cast, Dieter Daniels, Frederike Moormann, Angelika Waniek and Constanze Müller ima­gi­ne points of view of tho­se who were broad­cas­ting and tho­se who were lis­tening and tell sto­ries of com­mu­ni­ty and com­mu­ni­ties in front of and insi­de the apparatus.

Produced by Deutschlandfunk Kultur and D21 Kunstraum

At Schaubühne Lindenfels

Free admis­si­on
Sign-up requi­red: service@schaubuehne.com