17.4. – 16.5.21



Opening  17. April, 15-21 Uhr

Exhibition period  17.4. – 16.5.21

Künstler:innen Ingeborg Lockemann (Borkheide, Berlin), Shlomit Bauman (Jaffa), Grit Ruhland (Dresden, Leipzig), Inken Reinert (Jena, Berlin), Roswitha von den Driesch/Jens-Uwe Dyffort (Berlin), Anna Schimkat (Leipzig), Jessica Arseneau (Montreal, Mühlheim), Mandy Gehrt (Leipzig), Renata Lucia (Houston), Sven Kalden (Berlin), Oliver van den Berg (Berlin)

On-site appointment Booking here

Book a slot


This artis­tic pro­ject looks into trans­for­ma­ti­ons and defor­ma­ti­ons of land­scapes as con­se­quen­ces of the extra­c­tion and uti­liza­ti­on of raw materials.

Documentary-inves­ti­ga­ti­ve and sci­en­ti­fic approa­ches are used along­side with approa­ches that are inspi­red by visu­al and acou­stic impres­si­ons or by chan­ges in land­scape and city­scape. Spatiality and struc­tures as well as the mate­ria­li­ty of the extra­c­ted raw mate­ri­als and the cycles in which they flow offer oppor­tu­ni­ties for artis­tic engagement.

This “dig­ging through” the the­ma­tic field brings forth new con­texts and asso­cia­ti­ons. Against the back­drop of the Leipzig regi­on and its histo­ry of mining, indus­try and trans­for­ma­ti­on, we have invi­ted artists to pre­sent their expe­ri­en­ces with the topic and the results of their rese­arch in an exhi­bi­ti­on, thus put­ting them up for discussion.

Visits to D21 Artspace

Just in time for the cur­rent exhibition’s clo­sing weekend, D21 Artspace will be able to re-open. Please book a time slot here: boo­king tool and make sure to be awa­re of up-to-date access and hygie­ne regulations.

General visi­ting information:
Visitors can book time slots via the boo­king tool (see abo­ve). Currently, a maxi­mum of two visi­tors are allo­wed into the exhi­bi­ti­on at any one time (30 minu­tes per time slot).

Important: access to the art space can curr­ent­ly only be gran­ted to per­sons pro­vi­ding a same-day nega­ti­ve Covid-19 test result (see form self-decla­ra­ti­on); addi­tio­nal­ly, we request visi­tors to obser­ve our hygie­ne regulations.

We will regu­lar­ly update our regu­la­ti­ons in accordance with the latest pan­de­mic deve­lo­p­ment; plea­se check here for updates.

Saturday, 15 May 2021, 18:00
Performance&Concert and Talk
Moderated by: Geräuschkulisse
Pödelwitz Electro-acou­stic performance&concert about the histo­ry of the vil­la­ge Pödelwitz in the for­mer United Schleenhain coal mining area, by Anna Schimkat

Stromaufwärts (Upstream) Solastalgic field recor­dings along the river Elster up to the for­mer ura­ni­um mining area Ronneburg, by Grit Ruhland

Sunday, 16 May 2021, 15:00—19:00 Closing Event

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