Sa, 3.9.22

Creative Writing Workshop with To Doan


Portrait of To Doan

Photo:Maik Banks

Exceptional States

Time  14.00 – 17.00

In the work­shop we will work bio­gra­phi­cal­ly, look at tur­ning points in our lives and record moments of resis­tance. Among other things, we will use dreams as impul­ses for the wri­ting pro­cess and for fic­tion­a­liza­ti­on. To Doan is a non­bi­na­ry Viet-German per­son who wri­tes and faci­li­ta­tes the work­shop. The work­shop is aimed at local BiPoC, espe­ci­al­ly from the Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian dia­spo­ra with links to GDR history.

Please sign up via

Event in German with English translation.

Location: D21 Kunstraum

In the workshop we will work biographically, look at turning points in our lives and record moments of resistance. Among other things, we will use dreams as impulses for the writing process and for fictionalization. To Doan is a nonbinary Viet-German person who writes and facilitates the workshop. The workshop is aimed at local BiPoC, especially from the Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian diaspora with links to GDR history. Please sign up via Event in German with English translation. Location: D21 Kunstraum
Exceptional States