Fr, 26.8.22

Dance performance by Sintscha


Portrait von Sintscha
Exceptional States

Time  18.00

Dance per­for­mance by Sintscha, D21 Kunstraum

Embodying the ques­ti­ons of que­er iden­ti­ty and being of dia­spo­ric gene­ra­ti­on in their pie­ce, Sintscha want to use the rela­ti­onship bet­ween their body and the space around them to explo­re such topics such as how do we crea­te our own safer spaces? How do we crea­te our com­mu­ni­ty? Where is my home as a mixed race per­son in a coun­try that doesn’t make you feel home? They mix deco­lo­ni­al approach with dance, clow­ning, music and poetry.

6PM Dance performance by Sintscha, D21 Kunstraum Embodying the questions of queer identity and being of diasporic generation in their piece, Sintscha want to use the relationship between their body and the space around them to explore such topics such as how do we create our own safer spaces? How do we create our community? Where is my home as a mixed race person in a country that doesn’t make you feel home? They mix decolonial approach with dance, clowning, music and poetry.
Exceptional States