So, 17.7.22

Filmscreening „Love on trembling wall“


Filmplakat von Red Aninsri

Photo:Ratchapoom Boonbunchachoke

Exceptional States

Time  20.00

The film »Jungle time / Dschungelzeit« Jörg Foth & Trn Vũ (1987) is the first copro­duc­tion bet­ween GDR and Vietnam (after its uni­fi­ca­ti­on in 1975). The film recalls on a love sto­ry bet­ween a guil­ty German sol­dier and a Vietnamese patrio­tic woman after Second World War and addres­ses how poe­tics and love go along­side with sacrifice.

The short film »Red Aninsri; Or, Tiptoeing on the Still Trembling Berlin Wall« by Ratchapoom Boonbunchachoke (2020) deals with the melo­dra­ma and poe­tics of the Cold War, rai­sing ques­ti­on of how any form of resis­tance is always a ques­ti­on of chan­ces or desperation.

Feature film in German wit­hout English sub­tit­les, pre-film with English subtitles.

Location: Luru Kino, Spinnerei


The film »Jungle time / Dschungelzeit« Jörg Foth & Trn Vũ (1987) is the first coproduction between GDR and Vietnam (after its unification in 1975). The film recalls on a love story between a guilty German soldier and a Vietnamese patriotic woman after Second World War and addresses how poetics and love go alongside with sacrifice. The short film »Red Aninsri; Or, Tiptoeing on the Still Trembling Berlin Wall« by Ratchapoom Boonbunchachoke (2020) deals with the melodrama and poetics of the Cold War, raising question of how any form of resistance is always a question of chances or desperation. Feature film in German without English subtitles, pre-film with English subtitles. Location: Luru Kino, Spinnerei  
Exceptional States