Fr, 24.6.22

Artist talk with Tuan Mami & Nguyễn Thị Thanh Mai


Photo:Chickenwing Company von Nguyen Xuan Huy

Exceptional States

Time  19.00

In this artist’s talk, two artists from Vietnam curr­ent­ly having resi­den­cy at LIA (Leipzig International Art Programme) will intro­du­ce us to their prac­ti­ces of artis­tic rese­ar­ches with spe­ci­fic com­mu­ni­ties or bodies. They will expand on how their posi­ti­ons as male and fema­le influence their inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry approach towards coll­ec­ti­ve histo­ry and inves­ti­ga­ti­on on public memories.

Event in Vietnamese with German trans­la­ti­on, mode­ra­ted by Phuong Phan.

Location: D21 Kunstraum

In coope­ra­ti­on with Leipzig International Art Programme — LIA.

In this artist’s talk, two artists from Vietnam currently having residency at LIA (Leipzig International Art Programme) will introduce us to their practices of artistic researches with specific communities or bodies. They will expand on how their positions as male and female influence their interdisciplinary approach towards collective history and investigation on public memories. Event in Vietnamese with German translation, moderated by Phuong Phan. Location: D21 Kunstraum In cooperation with Leipzig International Art Programme - LIA.
Exceptional States