7.11. – 9.3.25



Photo:©open-wea­ther, NOAA-19 S 75W 2021-07-20 12–18 GMT

Opening  07.11.2024, 19 Uhr

Exhibition period  7.11. – 9.3.25

Artists  Tekla Aslanishvili, Tega Brain & Sam Lavigne, Simone Fehlinger, Mia Heidler, Sonja Hornung & Daniele Tognozzi, João Enxuto & Erica Love, Sybille Neumeyer, Oliver Ressler, Stefania Smolkina, open-weather / Soph Dyer & Sasha Engelmann

Curated by  Sybille Neumeyer

”Teleconnections“ is a term used in cli­ma­te sci­ence to descri­be cau­sal rela­ti­onships bet­ween far distant cli­ma­te zones. Beyond a mere­ly meteo­ro­lo­gi­cal per­spec­ti­ve, the exhi­bi­ti­on puts into dis­cour­se the cor­re­la­ti­ons bet­ween cli­ma­tes, media and politics.

Political, cul­tu­ral and social atmo­sphe­res are shaped by the influence of the media, and tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly pro­du­ced cli­ma­te nar­ra­ti­ves (re)produce power rela­ti­ons. In addi­ti­on to topics such as green­wa­shing, media as cata­lysts of CO2 cycles, colo­ni­al data struc­tures, acti­vism and ener­gy infra­struc­tures, the mul­ti­me­dia con­tri­bu­ti­ons of the inter­na­tio­nal artists deal with eco-femi­nist, spe­cu­la­ti­ve and poe­tic approaches.

The exhi­bi­ti­on will be accom­pa­nied by a dis­cour­se pro­gram­me of work­shops, lec­tures and gui­ded tours.

Pictures: © M. Moser


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