We live in times of poli­ti­cal uphe­aval with glo­bal effects on our ever­y­day lives. The cur­rent Russian inva­si­on of Ukraine sin­ce February 2022 marks a poli­ti­cal uphe­aval that divi­des the world into fronts and at the same time crea­tes a glo­bal dis­or­der that direct­ly leads to the soli­di­fi­ca­ti­on of old values and the crea­ti­on of new ideo­lo­gies. Marx defi­nes ideo­lo­gy in the nar­rower sen­se as social norms for jus­ti­fy­ing one’s own actions and eva­lua­ting tho­se of others. A cen­tral point in Foucault’s approach to power is that he goes bey­ond poli­tics and sees power as an ever­y­day, socia­li­sed and embo­di­ed phe­no­me­non that also occurs in all social inter­ac­tions bet­ween peo­p­le. Accordingly, power results from a struc­tu­re of rela­ti­onships and only comes to frui­ti­on in actions.

In the German, the word “power” com­bi­nes unu­sual­ly many-laye­red and com­plex mea­nings. On the one hand, it means domi­na­ti­on and vio­lence, but on the other hand it also means power and strength as well as the abili­ty to shape and form some­thing. Last but not least, it is also to be unders­tood as an impe­ra­ti­ve, a call to action. Starting from this con­text, we would like to reflect on the con­cept of power and the power rela­ti­onship in the con­text of the cur­rent time in the annu­al pro­gram­me 2024/25 and fur­ther­mo­re ques­ti­on whe­ther a new defi­ni­ti­on of power can be developed.